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Violation Code Descriptions and Fines

Citation Penalties

Between 1981 and 2010 California voters approved the State Legislature to assess taxes on each paid parking citation. These taxes are used to fund Criminal Justice Facilities, Local Courthouse Construction, State Court Facilities, Trial Courts and other State and County needs. On July 1, 2015, citation penalties were increased to include these fees.

Violation Code Descriptions and Fines

Code Description Fine
02 Day/Night Permit Required $38
03 Permit Unreadable $38
08 Expired Meter $38
26 On Bicycle Path $38
30 External Vehicle Repair $38
37 Blocking Driveway - CVC 22500 $38
38 More than 18" from curb - CVC 22502 $38
01 Valid Permit Required $63
04 Restricted Area $63
07 Parked in Reserved Lot/Space $63
14 Outside Marked Space $63
15 Not parked in Marked Space $63
16 Oversized Vehicle $63
17 Exceeded Maximum Time Limit (No reparking in the same day within the same parking lot.)  $63
18 Prohibited Parking $63
21 Parked in Undesignated Area $63
22 Blocking Traffic $63
28 Parked in Fire Lane $63
10 Red Zone/No Stop - CVC 21458(a) $63
44 Misuse of Permissions $63
45 Vehicle not charging in EV parking space - CVC22511.1 $63
24 Canceled/Altered Permit $213
25 Lost/Stolen Permit $213
41 Abandoned Vehicle - CVC 42001.5 $213
33A Parked in ADA Zone - CVC 22507.8(ac) $445
23 Parked in ADA Crosshatch - CVC 22507.8(ac) $445
33C Blocking ADA Ramp - CVC 2522 $445
42 Misuse of ADA Placard - CVC 22511.56 $513